Publications and BlogsBuilding a National Elder Justice Movement, State by State Article authored by NNSEJC's Steering Committee members that appeared in the Spring 2020 special-focus issue of the American Society on Aging's Generations journal(see Taking Action Against Elder Mistreatment). Creating A Network of State EJ Coalitions Blog post describing the findings of a survey conducted in September, 2018 to identify elder justice coalitions across the U.S. Elder Justice Writ Large Blog post describing the 2017 launch of the National Elder Justice Advocates Academy, which works closely with NNSEJC. |
WebinarsAdvancing Elder Justice in Perilous Times: State Elder Justice Coalitions and the Art of the Possible April 14, 2021 workshop by NNSEJC Steering Committee members Iris Freeman and Paul Caccamise for the American Society on Aging's annual conference. Workshop Slides State Elder Justice Coalitions: Informing Services and Influencing Public Policy June 2, 2020 webinar hosted by the Department of Justice’s Elder Justice Initiative that describes member coalitions' development, structures, priorities, and accomplishments. Webinar Recording Webinar Slides Building an Elder Justice Movement State by State May 21, 2018 webinar hosted by the California Elder Justice Coalition, featuring NNSEJCs founding members describing their coalitions in California, Minnesota, Ohio, and New York. Webinar Recording Webinar Slides |