CEJC promotes policy and practice that improves the lives of all older adults and persons with disabilities in California. The following principles guide our work:
Living free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation is the right of all older Californians, including Black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBTQ) people, and residents of long-term care facilities. It requires an informed public, early detection and intervention, holding abusers accountable, and reducing harm.
Ensuring access to the justice system for older victims and persons with disabilities requires that they have affordable legal aid, user-friendly courts, and advocacy that reflects their lived experiences.
Services for victims and vulnerable people of all ages, their care partners and support networks, and the broader community must offer trauma-informed and restorative justice approaches and practices.
Perpetrators of predatory practices that target vulnerable adults must be held accountable, and laws that protect consumers of long-term services and supports, financial products, and housing must be enforced.
People with cognitive impairments need supported and surrogate decision-making options that offer maximum autonomy, protection, and accountability.
Compensation for direct care workers, family caregivers, and care partners must be designed to reflect the breadth and depth of caregiving and offer innovative incentive plans.