To our readers.
Our June 15 post, UNPACKING UNDUE INFLUENCE by Mary Joy Quinn, has continued to generate requests for advice on specific cases in which undue influence is suspected. While we welcome comments, we are unable to consult or advise on specific circumstances or cases. In response to the high level of interest in this topic, we are providing the following resources.
In March 2017, CEJC's National Elder Justice Advocates Academy hosted "Building an Elder Justice Movement State by State," a panel featuring representatives from five state elder justice coalitions* at the annual conference of the American Society of Aging in San Francisco. As is often the case, the planning and lead-up turned out to be as engrossing as the event itself. Georgia Anetzberger, Iris Freeman, Paul Caccamise, Risa Breckman, and I used the opportunity to catch up on how our groups were coping with the unnerving setbacks and threats to elder justice we're witnessing and to marvel at unforeseen opportunities.